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C++ printCard函数

2016-02-24 15:08:14 更新



apvector<apstring> suits (4);



suits[0] = "Clubs";
suits[1] = "Diamonds";
suits[2] = "Hearts";
suits[3] = "Spades";

这个向量的状态图如下所示: enter image description here


void Card::print () const
  apvector<apstring> suits (4);
  suits[0] = "Clubs";
  suits[1] = "Diamonds";
  suits[2] = "Hearts";
  suits[3] = "Spades";
  apvector<apstring> ranks (14);
  ranks[1] = "Ace";
  ranks[2] = "2";
  ranks[3] = "3";
  ranks[4] = "4";
  ranks[5] = "5";
  ranks[6] = "6";
  ranks[7] = "7";
  ranks[8] = "8";
  ranks[9] = "9";
  ranks[10] = "10";
  ranks[11] = "Jack";
  ranks[12] = "Queen";
  ranks[13] = "King";
  cout << ranks[rank] << " of " << suits[suit] << endl;



Card card (1, 11);
card.print ();

其输出是“Jack of Diamonds”。



注:apvectors are a little different from apstrings in this regard. The file apvector.cpp contains a template that allows the compiler to create vectors of various kinds. The first time you use a vector of integers, the compiler generates code to support that kind of vector. If you use a vector of apstrings, the compiler generates different code to handle that kind of vector. As a result, it is usually sufficient to include the header file apvector.h; you do not have to compile apvector.cpp at all! Unfortunately, if you do, you are likely to get a long stream of error messages. I hope this footnote helps you avoid an unpleasant surprise, but the details in your development environment may differ.!