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GoFrame 核心组件-对象管理

2022-03-28 14:58:27 更新




import "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/frame/g"



type (
	Var = gvar.Var        // Var is a universal variable interface, like generics.
	Ctx = context.Context // Ctx is alias of frequently-used context.Context.

type (
	Map        = map[string]interface{}      // Map is alias of frequently-used map type map[string]interface{}.
	MapAnyAny  = map[interface{}]interface{} // MapAnyAny is alias of frequently-used map type map[interface{}]interface{}.
	MapAnyStr  = map[interface{}]string      // MapAnyStr is alias of frequently-used map type map[interface{}]string.
	MapAnyInt  = map[interface{}]int         // MapAnyInt is alias of frequently-used map type map[interface{}]int.
	MapStrAny  = map[string]interface{}      // MapStrAny is alias of frequently-used map type map[string]interface{}.
	MapStrStr  = map[string]string           // MapStrStr is alias of frequently-used map type map[string]string.
	MapStrInt  = map[string]int              // MapStrInt is alias of frequently-used map type map[string]int.
	MapIntAny  = map[int]interface{}         // MapIntAny is alias of frequently-used map type map[int]interface{}.
	MapIntStr  = map[int]string              // MapIntStr is alias of frequently-used map type map[int]string.
	MapIntInt  = map[int]int                 // MapIntInt is alias of frequently-used map type map[int]int.
	MapAnyBool = map[interface{}]bool        // MapAnyBool is alias of frequently-used map type map[interface{}]bool.
	MapStrBool = map[string]bool             // MapStrBool is alias of frequently-used map type map[string]bool.
	MapIntBool = map[int]bool                // MapIntBool is alias of frequently-used map type map[int]bool.

type (
	List        = []Map        // List is alias of frequently-used slice type []Map.
	ListAnyAny  = []MapAnyAny  // ListAnyAny is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapAnyAny.
	ListAnyStr  = []MapAnyStr  // ListAnyStr is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapAnyStr.
	ListAnyInt  = []MapAnyInt  // ListAnyInt is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapAnyInt.
	ListStrAny  = []MapStrAny  // ListStrAny is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapStrAny.
	ListStrStr  = []MapStrStr  // ListStrStr is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapStrStr.
	ListStrInt  = []MapStrInt  // ListStrInt is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapStrInt.
	ListIntAny  = []MapIntAny  // ListIntAny is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapIntAny.
	ListIntStr  = []MapIntStr  // ListIntStr is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapIntStr.
	ListIntInt  = []MapIntInt  // ListIntInt is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapIntInt.
	ListAnyBool = []MapAnyBool // ListAnyBool is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapAnyBool.
	ListStrBool = []MapStrBool // ListStrBool is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapStrBool.
	ListIntBool = []MapIntBool // ListIntBool is alias of frequently-used slice type []MapIntBool.

type (
	Slice    = []interface{} // Slice is alias of frequently-used slice type []interface{}.
	SliceAny = []interface{} // SliceAny is alias of frequently-used slice type []interface{}.
	SliceStr = []string      // SliceStr is alias of frequently-used slice type []string.
	SliceInt = []int         // SliceInt is alias of frequently-used slice type []int.

type (
	Array    = []interface{} // Array is alias of frequently-used slice type []interface{}.
	ArrayAny = []interface{} // ArrayAny is alias of frequently-used slice type []interface{}.
	ArrayStr = []string      // ArrayStr is alias of frequently-used slice type []string.
	ArrayInt = []int         // ArrayInt is alias of frequently-used slice type []int.





func Client() *ghttp.Client



func Validator() *gvalid.Validator


(单例) 配置管理对象

func Cfg(name ...string) *gcfg.Config



(单例) 日志管理对象

func Log(name ...string) *glog.Logger


(单例) 模板引擎对象

func View(name ...string) *gview.View


(单例) WEB Server

func Server(name ...interface{}) *ghttp.Server


(单例) TCP Server

func TcpServer(name ...interface{}) *gtcp.Server

(单例) UDP Server

func UdpServer(name ...interface{}) *gudp.Server

(单例) 数据库ORM对象

func DB(name ...string) *gdb.Db



func Model(tables string, db ...string) *gdb.Model

(单例) Redis客户端对象

func Redis(name ...string) *gredis.Redis


(单例) 资源管理对象

func Res(name ...string) *gres.Resource

(单例) 国际化管理对象

func I18n(name ...string) *gi18n.Manager